Selected Topics in Engineering Mathematics 工程數學特論
上課時間: 星期二 第 7, 8, 9 節 (PM 14:20~17:20)
上課影片將放置在 NTU Cool
上課資料: 以講義為主,參考資料列於網頁下方
TEL: 33669652, 實驗室網頁:
Office: 明達館723室, Office hour: 週一下午,週三上午,週四下午,或週五下午都可以來辦公室找我
助教: 盧德晏,吳汶霑,陳祈安
課程定位:(1) Advanced Parts of (i) Differential Equations, (ii) Signals and Systems, (iii) Linear Algebra, and (iv) Probability and Statistics
(2) Connection between the Undergraduate Courses and the Mathematical Tools Required for Research
(3) Improving the Ability to Solve Practical Mathematical Problems
上課資料(1) ............PDF............上課筆記檔(1) (pages 1-93) (modified)
上課資料(2).............PDF.............Homework 1 (3月18日交) (new)........PDF (new)
評分方式:五次作業 65%, 期末考 35%
注意事項: (1) 請上課前,來這個網頁,將上課資料印好或下載好
(2) 歡迎各位同學踴躍出席
(3) 作業一次10題,作業不可以抄襲。作業若寫錯但有用心寫仍可以有40%~90% 的分數,但抄襲或借人抄襲不給分
(4) 作業較難的題目都會給予充分的提示,但一定要自己寫
(5) 期末考採行 open book 的方式,考試時間為 240分鐘,出題範圍為講義有提到的部分 (除非特別註明只教不考)
(6) 只教不考的範圍是期末考不會考,但有可能作業會由當中出題
(7) 每三週一次作業,每次作業會有一個以上程式題
(8) 不需記任何一個式子,不需磨練運算速度,但是要了解物理意義,培養實際上解決問題的能力
參考資料 [1] D. G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen, Differential Equations-with Boundary-Value Problem (metric version), 9th edition, Cengage Learning, 2017.
[2] D. G. Zill, W. S. Wright, and J. J. Ding, Engineering Mathematics, Metric Edition, Cengage Learning, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
[3] R. N. Bracewell, The Fourier Transform and Its Applications, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, Boston, 2000.
[4] L. E. Spence, A. J. Insel, and S. H. Friedberg, Elementary Linear Algebra - A Matrix Approach, 3rd ed., 2014.
[5] R. D. Yates and D. J. Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2015.
[6] A. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, 4th edition, Mcgraw-Hill, 2002.